Health & Wellness Resources for Students
Click on a category below to access resources, apps, and information that are informative and create change in your life.
Rethinking Drinking: Provides information and tools to check your drinking patterns as well as tools to change your habits when it comes to drinking.
All Treatment: Find drug and alcohol resources and rehab centers near you.
Al-Anon: Support for those who have been affected by another’s drinking issues.
Out of the Fog: Gives information on the boundaries that are essential to a healthy relationship and person.
National Eating Disorders Association
Eating Disorder Hope: Provides numerous articles, tips, and tools, in order to learn more and gain skills about eating disorders.
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
Recovery Road: An app that allows you to chart progress and check in with yourself throughout the recovery process, includes discrete meal tracking and cognitive behavior therapy to keep track of emotion.
Out of the Fog: Information and resources for those who suffer or who know someone who suffers from a personality disorder.
Visit the Breaking Free From Pornography resource!
My House: An outreach of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS to help protect children, families, and marriages from pornography and its effects. In addition, provides resources to help people experience freedom from pornography.
CovenantEyes: Internet accountability and filtering
The Jed Foundation: Additional information and resources regarding a variety of mental health topics.
Restored: A ministry to support and help people heal from the trauma and effects of divorce and broken family life. Find a Catholic therapist near you.